
Checklist for Internal Audit of GST ( Author - HIMANSHU TIWARI )

Introduction: GST is new for everyone. It came to effect from 1st July 2017. As the corporate industry has implemented GST in their business, audit for the same is a must. We here came up with some of the checklists for newly implemented GST.

Following are the general GST matter checklist for Audit Purpose:

A. For Apr to June 17 Transactions:

1.  Input credit reflected in ST 3/ VAT / ER 1returns for all purchases Up to Jun 17
2. Capital goods received before Jun 30, 17 -has 50% credit been taken?
3. Is disputed credit availed before appointed date?
4. Is service tax on RCM paid fully where applicable? Like Lawyer fee, Manpower consulting,   etc.  ( UP to June’17)

B. Display/Registration/Masters:

1.Is Certificate of registration prominently displayed in all locations where business was done?
2. Is GSTIN no. Included along with the name of the business in displays?
3.Does Customer/ Vendor master have PAN no.? /GSTN no. in all cases?
3A.Is PAN No. tying up with the name as per PAN card?
4.Is Company GSTN no. Advised to all our suppliers so input tax credit can be taken? (Including telecom company, Banker, etc.)
5.Does company invoice provide all required details as per law?
6.Is invoice format having all details prescribed?

C. GST matters from Jul 1, 2017:

1.Are all Job work locations added as places of business in Company registration?
2.Is GST on RCM paid for all job work charges  and purchase of goods and services from unregistered dealers subject to the maximum non-taxable limit of Rs.5000/- per day on Intra-state supplies received? (Notification-Central Tax-8/2017 at 28.06.17)
3.Are job work goods not returned being tracked correctly and followed up as they would be treated as Sales after 180 days?
4.Is GST paid on all stock transfers and input credit obtained?
5.Is there a proper record. Monthly credit of all eligible inputs  taken as per books with GSTR 2?
5A.Is timely action taken on all differences? (max time limit for correction two months)
5B.Is action taken to blacklist such suppliers who do not pay in time/ file returns in time?
6. Is GSTR 1 tallied with books of accounts?
7. Is credit taken of TDS at 1% done on all transactions with Govt /local bodies?
8.Are anti-profiteering guidelines issued under S 171 complied?
9. Is 100% credit taken on all capital goods purchased from Jul 1, 17?
10.Who are the suppliers who pay a composite tax of 1% (Rs 20-75 lakhs turnover) where Company incurs additional cost due to non-availability of ITC? Is this in order?
11.Are all goods returned within six months when rejected as otherwise no ITC can be taken?
11A.What is the Company system to follow up/control this?
12.On all advances is GST paid and set off later when invoicing done?
12A.Are advances and GST paid in advance reconciled monthly?
13.Are invoices issued before removal / delivery of goods? (sometimes companies retain goods till they receive payment) this will also affect cut off at period ends
14.Is refund of Input tax credit applied for all exports and sales to SEZ?
15.Are GST payments made in time?
16.Check to ensure SGST ITC is not utilized against CGST and vice versa
17. Are all GST related accounts in ledger reconciled monthly?

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